The Earthsea Quartet
The First Four Books: A Wizard of Earthsea * The Tombs of Atuan * The Farthest Shore * Tehanu. A Wizard of Earthsea; The Tombs of Atuan; The Farthest Shore; Tehanu
(Sprache: Englisch)
A new look for these classic works of 20th century fantasy.
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Klappentext zu „The Earthsea Quartet “
A new look for these classic works of 20th century fantasy.
Autoren-Porträt von Ursula Le Guin
Ursula Le Guin was born in Berkley, California, in 1929, daughter of the writer Theodora Krober and the anthropologist Alfred Krober. Her published work includes twenty-one novels, eleven volumes of short stories, three collections of essays, twelve books for children, six volumes of poetry and four of translation. The Earthsea books have been translated into many languages around the world and are global bestsellers.
- Autor: Ursula Le Guin
- Altersempfehlung: Ab 12 Jahre
- 2012, 704 Seiten, Maße: 12,8 x 19,7 cm, Kartoniert (TB), Englisch
- Verlag: Penguin Books UK
- ISBN-10: 0241956870
- ISBN-13: 9780241956878
- Erscheinungsdatum: 15.02.2012
Rowling can type, but Le Guin can write Guardian
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